a town about 6 km northeast of Bad Neustadt an der Saale in Landkreis Rhön-Grabfeld, Bavaria, Germany | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The following chart is an attempt (based on known sources) to trace the lineage of Unsleben residents from the patronymic period up to the adoption of surnames. As new information becomes available, this chart will be updated and, hopefully, become increasingly more accurate. |
1750 |
1760 |
1770 |
1780 |
1790 |
1800 |
1810 |
Surname Adoptions 24 July 1817 (Old Name = New Name) |
Document 5 May 1839 |
Unsleben Marriage & Death Records | Kleinbardorf Cemetery Burial Register / Unsleben Cemetery Gravestones |
Hirsch Cäsar Kaan |
Hirsch Cäsar Kaan |
Hirsch Kohn = Hirsch ADLER | Hirsch ADLER (rabbi, wife: Deile, son: Aberle, daughter: Hinle) Lazarus ADLER (doctor) Moses ADLER (wife: Besle, son: Abraham, daughters: Veiele, Sorle from Einhenhausen) |
Hirsch ADLER (20 Jun 1848, 64y [1784], widow) Lazarus ADLER (died 1886 in Wiesbaden)[1] Moses ADLER (17 Sep 1855, 54 3/4y [1801], house no. 16) |
הירש אדלער, כ׳ סיון תר״ח (Hirsch ADLER, 20 Sivan 5608 [21 Jun 1848]) מוהר״ר אליעזר ב״ר מוה׳ נפתלי הירש אדלער הכהן, כ״ח טבת תרמ״ו (Rabbi Eliezer son of Rabbi Naftali Hirsh Adler haKohen, 28 Tevet 5646 [5 Jan 1886], Wiesbaden cemetery)[2] משה אדלער, כ״ד תשרי תרט״ז (Moshe ADLER, 4 Tishrei 5616 [16 Sep 1855]) פעסלע אשת משה אדלער, כ״ח חשון תרט״ז (Pesle wife of Moshe ADLER, 28 Cheshvan 5616 [9 Nov 1855]) |
Isaac Moyses |
Isaac Moyses |
Isaac Moses = Isaac ALSBACH | Madel (widow of Rabbi Isaak ALSBACHER, daughters: Jachet, Jittel) Assor Löb ALSBACHER (president, wife: Babet, sons: David, Isaak, daughters: Jetta, Hanna, Sara) Moses ALSBACHER (immigrant to America, wife: Jetta, daughter: Jittle) |
Isaac ALSBACHER (28 Jan 1835, 64y [1771], house no. 107, born in Ansbach) Madel ALSBACHER (10 Jul 1846, 69y [1777], house no. 107, widow) Aser Löw ALSBACHER (widow, living in Mellrichstadt house no. 212, 2 Apr 1873, 77y [1796]) Moses ALSBACHER {marriage, 1832: dyer, son of Rabbi Isaak and Madel Jakob, born 1805 + Nannette SELIG, daughter of cattle and spice dealer Samuel, born 1812 in Gleicherwiesen} {marriage, 1835: dyer, widow of Nannette SELIG, son of Rabbi Isaak and Madel Jakob, born 1805 + Jette SELIG, daughter of cattle and spice dealer Samuel, born 1818 in Gleicherwiesen} |
מהור״ר איצק בן מהור״ר משה, כ״ח טבט תקצ״ה (Rabbi Itzik son of Rabbi Moshe, 28 Tevet 5595 [29 Jan 1835]) מאטל בת ר׳ יוקל סג״ל אל׳ מהור״ר איצק, שע״ב תמוז תר״ו (Madel daughter of Jokel sg"l widow of Rabbi Itzik, 17 Tamuz 5606 [11 Jul 1846]) Aser Löb ALSBACHER (6 Apr 1796 - 2 Apr 1873, Unsleben cemetery gravestone) |
Mayer Schmuhl |
Mayer Schmuhl |
Mayer Schmuhl |
Mayer Schmul = Mayer BAUM | Meyer BAUM (9 Oct 1834, 81y [1753], house no. 56 1/2, widow) |
מאיר ב״ר שמואל סג״ל, ט״ז תשרי תקצ״ד (Meyer son of Shmuel sg"l, 16 Tishrei 5594 [29 Sep 1833]) |
Manaßes |
Manaßes | Manaßes | Joseph Manaßes | Joseph Manaßes' widow |
Joseph Manaßes' widow |
Joseph Manaßes' widow Alexander Joseph |
Alexander Joseph = Alexander BEIN | Sender BEIN (wife: Terz, sons: Jusel, Salaman, daughters: Zerle, Jüttle, Mariana) |
Zerlein Alexander (29 Jun 1816, 79 3/4y [1736], house no. 8, widow) Alexander BEIN (butcher, 17 Dec 1844, 70y [1774], house no. 32) {marriage, 1811: butcher, house no. 8, son of Josel Manases & Zerla Alexander, born 1775 in Unsleben + Terza Salloman, daughter of Salloman Michael & Böla Isaac, born 1790 in Poppenlauer} Hennla Josel {marriage, 1811: cattle dealer, house no. 11, son of Israel Nathan & Böla Hirsch, born 1773 in Unsleben + Hennla Josel, daughter of Josel Manases & Zerla Alexander, born 1779 in Unsleben} |
בנימין יצחק ב״ר משה המכונה מאנעס, תקל״ג (Benjamin Itzhak, also called Manes, son of Moshe, 5533 [c. 1772]) אשת מאניס, כ״ד תשרי תקמ״א (wife of Manis, 24 Tishrei 5541 [23 Oct 1780]) יוסף ב״ר בנימין הלוי, ר״ח תמוז תקנ״א (Josef son of Benjamin sg"l, Rosh Chodesh Tamuz 5551 [3 Jul 1791]) צערלא אשת יוזל, ג׳ תמוז תקע״ו (Zerla wife of Josl, 3 Tamuz 5576 [29 Jun 1816]) סנדר ב״ר יוסף סג״ל, ז׳ טבט תר״ה (Sender son of Josef sg"l, 7 Tevet 5605 [17 Dec 1844]) אשת סענדר סג״ל, כ״א אייר תר״ט (wife of Sender sg"l, 21 Iyar 5609 [15 Mar 1849]) פנוי בילא בת סענדר, ח״י תמוז תקצ״א (Beila, single, daughter of Sender, 18 Tamuz 5591 [29 Jun 1831]) |
Gerst Jakob | Gerst Jakob | Gerst Jakob |
Gerst Jacob = Gerst BRANDUS | Gerschon BRANDUS (wife: Güdel) Jakob BRANDUS (wife: Mariam, son: Abraham, daughter: Merle) |
BRANDUS (17 Feb 1845, 80y [1765], house no. 56) |
גרשון ב״ר יעקב סג״ל, י״ב אדר א׳ תר״ה (Gershon son of Jakob sg"l, 12 Adar I 5605 [19 Feb 1845]) Jakob BRANDUS (1882, 79y, יעקב ב״ר גרשון הלוי, Unsleben cemetery gravestone) |
Jacob Moyses |
Jacob Moyses |
Jacob Moyses |
Jacob Moyses |
Hanna ([Jacob] Moses' widow) = Hanna DIENSTAG | Jacob Moses (3 Jul 1810, 55y [1755], iron chandler, house no. 85) Hanna DIENSTAG (19 Nov 1831, 75y [1756], house no. 85, widow of Jakob Moses DIENSTAG, born in Steinach a. d. Frankensaale) |
יוקל ב״ר משה הלוי, דר״ח תמוז תק״ע (Jokel son of Moshe haLevi, Rosh Chodesh Tamuz 5570 [3 Jul 1810]) הנא אלמ׳ ר׳ יוקל סג״ל, ט״ד כסלו תקצ״ב (Hana widow of Jokel sg"l, 13 Kislev 5592 [18 Nov 1831]) |
Götz Hirsch |
(Götz Hirsch moved
to Oberstreu) |
(Götz Hirsch moved to Oberstreu) | (Götz Hirsch moved
to Oberstreu) Hirsch Götz |
Gotz Hirsch = Gotz
DINKEL Hirsch Gotz = Hirsch DINKEL |
Hirsch DINKEL (widower, sons: Schmule, Hayum, Jakob, daughters: Schenle, Sara, Golde) Schenle DINKEL (immigrant to America) |
DINKEL (3 Apr 1827, 80y [1747], house no. 25, widow) Lia DINKEL (1 Jun 1823, 9y [1794], house no. 25) Ballina DINKEL (wife of Hirsch, 22 Apr 1837, 64y [1773], house no. 63) |
געץ ב״ר נפתלי יעקב, ו׳ ניסן תקפ״ז (Getz son of Naftali Jakob, 6 Nisan 5587 [3 Apr 1827]) בונלא בת יעקב אשת הירש בר געץ, חהמ? תקצ״ז (Bunla daughter of Jakob wife of Hirsh Ber Getz, 3rd/4th day of Pesach 5597 [22/23 Apr 1837]) |
Seligmann Moyses |
Seligmann Moyses | Seligmann Moyses | Seligmann Moyses | Seligmann Moyses | Gellich (Seligmann Moses' wife) = Gellich
DONNERSTAG Männlein = Mannlein DONNERSTAG Nathan Seligmann = Nathan APPEL |
DONNERSTAG (wife: Rifke, sons: Seligmann, Aber, daughters: Gudel, Fradel, Gella, Esther, Vögel) Nathan APPEL (wife: Gudel, sons: Seligmann, Aber, Feibel, daughter: Rechel) |
Seligmann Moses (butcher, 20 Aug 1814, 68y [1746], house no. 19) Gelich DONNERSTAG (8 Jul 1825, 75y [1750], house no. 32) Hanna DONNERSTAG (daughter of Männlein, 1837, 3y [1834], house no. 76) Nathan APFEL (13 Mar 1849, 64y [1785], house no. 52 1/4) {marriage, 1815: butcher, house no. 19, son of Selligmann Moses and Gelach Barach, born in Unsleben + Gitel Feibel, daughter of Feibel Moses & Rachlein, born 1786 in Kleinensteinach, widow of Abraham Samuel of Kleinensteinach} |
יצחק ב״ר משה הלוי, ד׳ אלול תקע״ד (Itzhak son of Moshe sg"l, 4 Elul 5574 [20 Aug 1814]) געליך בת ברוך אשת זעליגמאן סג״ל, כ״ג תמוז תקפ״ה (Gelich daughter of Baruch wife of Zeligman sg"l, 23 Tamuz 5585 [9 Jul 1825]) Männlein DONERSTAG (מנחם ב״ר יצחק הלוי, Unsleben cemetery) Seligman DONNERSTAG (יצחק ב״ר מנחם הלוי, ה׳ תמוז תר״ס, Tamuz 5, 5660 [5 Jul 1900], 79 1/2 yrs old, Unsleben cemetery) נתן ב״ר יצחק סג״ל, כ״א אדר תר״ט (Natan son of Itzhak sg"l, 21 Adar 5609 [15 Mar 1849]) |
Eyssig Abraham | Eyssig Abraham | Eyssig Abraham |
Eyssig Abraham's widow Abraham Eyssig |
Abraham Eisig = Abraham ENGEL Samuel Joseph = Samuel SACHSENHEIMER |
Abraham ENGEL (wife: Klerle?, son: Isaak Lob, daughters: Rös, Miriam) Samuel SACHSENHEIMER (wife: Serle, daughters: Rös, Zerle, Hanna, Gudel, Breinle) |
Abraham ENGEL (30 Nov 1843, 60y [1783], house no. 27 1/2) {marriage, 1811: hops dealer, son of Eysig Abraham & Röß Samuel, born in Unsleben + Hinela Isaies [LAMM], daughter of Isaies Aberlein & Vöglein Israel, born in Unsleben} {marriage, 1814: merchant, son of Eysig Abraham & Röß Samuel, widow of Hinlein Isaies, born 1780 in Unsleben + Klärlein Jacob, daughter of Jacob Löb & Breinlein Selligmann, born 1786 in Gleicherwiesen} Röß Merlein Sanvel (3 Sep 1812, 65y [1747], Eissig's widow, house no. 12) Zehele ENGEL (13 Aug 1825, 4d [1825], house no. 27 3/4) Isaak Abraham ENGEL (son of Abraham Isaak, 1816, 6d [1816], house no. 13) Samuel SACHSENHEIMER {marriage, 1821: linen weaver, house no. 27 ¾, son of Eysig Abraham & Röß Samuel, born 1791 in Unsleben + Serlein SCHWAB, daughter of Joseph and Ribecka Benjamin, born 1794 in Kleinensteinach} |
אייזק ב״ר אברהם סג״ל, כ״ז ניסן תקס״ו (Eyzik son of Abraham sg"l, 27 Nisan 5566 [15 Apr 1806]) ריז בת שמואל אשת אייזק סג״ל, כ״ז אלול תקע״ב (Reiz daughter of Shmuel wife of Eyzik, 27 Elul 5572 [4 Sep 1812]) אברהם ב״ר יצחק הלוי, י׳ כסלו תר״ד (Abraham son of Itzhak sg"l, 10 Kislev 5604 [3 Dec 1843]) זערלה אשת זנוויל זאכסענהיימער, י״ב ניסן תרט״ז (Zerle wife of Zanvil Zachsenheimer, 12 Nisan 5616 [17 Apr 1856]) |
Jacob Seligmann = Jacob FLEISCHHAUER | (not listed) (sons: Mendel, Ruben, Mosche, daughter: Fradel) Ruben FLEISCHHAUER (immigrant to America) |
FLEISCHHAUER (butcher, 26 May 1832, 56y [1776], house no. 30) Hennel FLEISCHHAUER (7 Apr 1839, 67y [1772], widow) |
יעקב ב״ר יצחק סג״ל, כ״ג אייר תקצ״ב (Jacob son of Itzhak sg"l, 23 Iyar 5592 [23 May 1832]) הינדל בת שלמה אשת יוקב, כ״ד ניסן תקצ״ט (Hindel daughter of Shloma wife of Jokev, 24 Nisan 5599 [8 Apr 1839]) |
Hohna Hirsch Nathan |
Esther (Hohna Hirsch Nathan's widow) = Esther FRIEDENBACH | Esther (widow of FRIEDENBACH, son: Schmuele, daughter: Hinnle) |
Hona Hirsch Nathan (18 May 1817, 40y [1777], teacher, house no. 7) |
הונה הירש ב״ר אלחנן, ע״ש תקע״ז (Hona Hirsh son of Elchanan, Erev Shavuot 5577 [20 May 1817]) |
Abraham Moses |
Abraham Moses | Abraham Moyses | Abraham Moses = Abraham GÄRTNER Moses = Moses GÄRTNER |
Moses GÄRTNER (wife: Rechle, daughters: Besle, Serle, Eva) David GÄRTNER (wife: Sara, sons: Abraham, Moses, daughters: Besle, Vögel, Gudel) Michael GÄRTNER (single) Hayum GÄRTNER (single) |
GÄRTNER (26 Jun 1829, 72y [1757], house no. 23, widower) Beßle GÄRTNER (16 Mar 1825, 59y [1766], house no. 23) Moses GÄRTNER (22 Apr 1864, 76y [1788], house no. 82) David GÄRTNER (14 Mar 1867, 73y [1794]) Michael Abraham GÄRTNER (7 Sep 1863, 73y [1790], house no. 82) Heinemann (Heyum Abraham) GÄRTNER (4 Jul 1855, 58y [1797], house no. 86, single) |
אברהם ב״ר משה, כ״ה סיון תקפ״ט (Abraham son of Moshe, 25 Sivan 5589 [26 Jun 1829]) פעסלא בת מאיר הלוי א׳ [אשת] אברהם, כ״ד אדר תקפ״ה (Pesla daughter of Meyer haLevi wife of Abraham, 24 Adar 5585 [14 Mar 1825]) |
Nathan |
Nathan |
Nathan Israel Nathan |
Israel Nathan | Israel Nathan | Israel Nathan | Israel Nathan Jüdla Israel |
Nathan = Israel GOTTGETREU Judla Israel = Judla GOTTGETREU |
Idel GOTTGETREU (single) Jetta GOTTGETREU (single) Miriam GOTTGETREU (single) |
GOTTGETREU (12 May 1823, 77y [1746], house no. 29 1/4) Böla GOTTGETREU (30 May 1832, 96y [1736], house no. 29 1/4, widow) Judlein GOTTGETREU (2 May 1836, 62y [1774], house no. 29 1/4) {marriage, 1811: cattle dealer, house no. 11, son of Israel Nathan & Böla Hirsch, born 1773 in Unsleben + Hennla Josel, daughter of Josel Manases & Zerla Alexander, born 1779 in Unsleben} Henlein Joseph (wife of Jüdlein Israel, 9 Jul 1817, 35y [1782], house no. 11) Marianne GOTTGETREU (28 Aug 1844, 30y [1814], house no. 29 1/4) Jedda GOTTGETREU (24 Jul 1868, 79y [1789], single) |
ענזלא ב״ר נתן, ג׳ סיון תקפ״ג (Anzela son of Natan, 3 Sivan 5583 [13 May 1823]) בילא אשת אלמנת ענזלי, ב' סיון תקצ"ב (Baile widowed wife of Anzel, 2 Sivan 5592 [31 May 1832]) יהודא ב״ר אשר, ב׳ סיון תקצ״ו (Jehuda son of Asher, 2 Sivan 5596 [18 May 1836]) הינלא בת יוסף הלוי אשת יודלא (Hinla daughter of Josef haLevi, wife of Judla) פנוי בת יודלא, ט״ו אלול תר״ד (single daughter of Judla, 15 Elul 5604 [30 Aug 1844]) |
Simon Mayer |
Simson Mayer = Simson HOPFENBAUM | Simson HOPFENMANN (immigrant to America, wife: Sara, son: Seckel, daughters: Vogele, Zerle) |
Löb Moyses | Löb Moyses | Löb Moyses |
Low Moses = Low KALB | Löb KALB (rabbi, wife: Hübchele, daughter: Estherle) |
ליב קאלב, ד׳ שבט תר״ח (Löb KALB, 4 Shvat 5608 [9 Jan 1848]) |
Kaufmann Abraham = Kaufmann KAUFMANN | ||||||||||
Abraham Hirsch | Abraham Hirsch (moved away) |
Abraham Hirsch = Abraham KLEINER Hirsch Aber = Hirsch KLEINER |
Hirsch KLEIN (wife: Rifkele, sons: Abraham Löb, Judle, Aberle, Falk, daughters: Reichle, Golde) Reichel KLEIN (immigrant to America) |
KLEIN (27 Oct 1819, 86y [1733], house no. 104) Riska Valk (wife of Aber Hirsch, 12 Sep 1810, 66y [1744], house no. 3) Hirsch KLEIN (14 Oct 1852, 77y [1775], widower) |
אברהם ב״ר נפתלי, ט׳ חשון תק״פ (Abraham son of Naftali, 9 Cheshvan 5580 [28 Oct 1819]) רייב בת אליקים הלוי אשת אבר, ט״ז תשרי תקע״א (Reib daughter of Eliakim sg"l wife of Aber, 16 Tishrei 5571 [14 Oct 1810]) |
Gabriel |
Gabriel |
Gabriel | Gabriel | Abraham
Gabriel = Abraham
KUHL Bela (Gabriel Simson's wife) = Bela KUHL Samuel Gabriel = Samuel BACH |
Abraham KUHL (wife: Madel, sons: Hayum, Gabriel, daughters: Golde, Bela, Zerle) Simon KUHL (single) Joseph KUHL (single) Samuel BACH (sons: Mayer, Simshel, daughter: Hanna) |
Simson (17 Aug 1816, 65y [1751], house no. 18) Bäla KUHL (widow, 28 Jan 1825, 74y [1751], house no. 55) Abraham KUHL Aberlein, born {marriage, 1825: butcher, house no. 55, son of Gabriel Simson & Bela Samuel, born 1788 in Unsleben + Madel Heium, daughter of Heyum Aron & Zerlein Aberlein, born 1797 in Wüstensachsen} Samuel BACH {marriage, 1816: Samuel Gabriel, cattle dealer, house no. 14, son of Gabriel Simson & Böla Samuel, born in Unsleben, about 56 years old + Hevel Moses Katz, daughter of Moses Isaac Katz & Rachel Isaac, born 1792 in Aidhausen} |
גבריאל ב״ר שמחה הלוי, כ״ג מנחם תקע״ו (Gabriel son of Simcha haLevi, 23 Av 5576 [17 Aug 1816]) בילא בת שמואל הלוי א׳ [אלמונה] גבריאל, ווד שבט תקפ״ה (Beila daughter of Shmuel haLevi widow of Gabriel, 10 Shvat 5585 [29 Jan 1825]) Simon KUHL הפנוי שמעון בן גבריעל סג״ל (Shimon, single, son of Gabriel sg"l, 1918, Unsleben cemetery) Samuel BACH (haLevi, Unsleben cemetery gravestone) Heffa BACH (אשת ר׳ שמואל ב״ר גבריאל הלוי, wife of Shmuel son of Gabriel haLevi, Unsleben cemetery gravestone) |
Isaias Aberlein |
Isaias Aberlein | Isaias Aberlein | Isaias Aberlein Israel Isaias son of Isaias Aberlein |
Aberlein = Isaias
LAMM Israel Isaias = Israel LAMM |
Israel LAMM (wife: Idal, son: Kallmann, daughter: Deile) Falk LAMM (wife: Schenle, son: Isaias, daughter: Hinele) |
LAMM (3 Feb 1828, 74y [1754], house no. 28) Feigele LAMM (widow, 19 Jun 1838, 76y [1762], house no. 139) |
ישעיל ב״ר אברהם, חי שבט תקפ״ח (Ishael son of Abraham, 18 Shvat 5588 [3 Feb 1828]) פיגלא אשת ישעיל, כ״ו סיון תקצ״ח (Feigla wife of Ishael, 26 Sivan 5598 [19 Jun 1838]) Falk LAMM (פאלק לאם בן ישעי, שבת קודש כסליו כ״ט 1862, [son of Ishai], Unsleben cemetery gravestone) |
Moyses Schmuhl | Moyses Schmuhl | Moyses Schmuhl |
Moses Schmul = Moses LANGER | Hitzel (widow of Moses LANGER) |
Moses LANGER (14 Feb 1834, 75y [1759], house no. 31) |
משה ב״ר שמועל, ז׳ א״ר תקצ״ד (Moshe son of Shmuel, 7 Adar 5594 [16 Feb 1834]) |
Schmuhl Moyses |
Schmuhl Moyses |
Schmuhl Moyses |
Hayem Samuel son of Schm. Moys. |
Heinemann Samuel = Heinemann LIEBENTHAL | Heinemann
LIEBENTHAL (widower, sons: Moses, Isaak, daughter: Estherle from Schweinshaupten) |
Heinemann LIEBENTHAL (15 Jan 1856, 78y [1778], house no. 13, widower) Babette LIEBENTHAL (wife, 28 Dec 1838, 62y [1776], house no. 115) |
חיים ליעבענטהאל, כ״א אדר תרט״ז (Chaim LIEBENTHAL, 21 Adar 5616 [27 Feb 1856]) בילא בת שמואל אשת ר׳ חיים, י״א טבט תקצ״ט (Beila daughter of Shmuel wife of Chaim, 11 Tevet 5599 [28 Dec 1838]) |
Joseph Schmuhl |
Joseph Schmuhl |
Joseph Schmuhl |
Joseph Schmuhl Simon Joseph |
Joseph Schmuhl Simon Joseph |
Schmul = Joseph LILIENFELD Simon Joseph = Simon LILIENFELD |
LILIENFELD (widower) Moses LILIENFELD (wife: Bule, son: Hirsch) Rifkele LILIENFELD (single) |
LILIENFELD (22 Oct 1826, 86y [1740], house no. 58) Jechibeth LILIENFELD (5 Aug 1834, 86y [1748], widow, house no. 58) |
יוספא סג״ל ב״ר שמואל, ה״ר [הושענא רבא] תקפ״ז (Josefa sg"l son of Shmuel, Hoshana Rabba 5587 [22 Oct 1826]) יוכבד בת משה אלמנת יוספא, ב׳ אב תקצ״ד (Jocheved daughter of Moshe widow of Josefa, 2 Av 5594 [7 Aug 1834]) |
Kallmann Borch |
Kallmann Borch | Kallmann Borch | Kallmann Borch Eyssig Kallmon |
Borg Kalmon Eyssig Kallmon |
Calmon = Baruch
LUSTIG Eisig Calmon = Eisig LUSTIG |
Baruch LUSTIG (wife: Mamel, sons: Lob, Kallmann, Mayer, Eisig, daughters: Miriam, Bela, Lea, Sara) Eisig LUSTIG (wife: Rifke, sons: Menke, Abraham, Seligmann, Kallmann, daughter: Hinn?) Baruch LUSTIG (younger, from Schweinshaupten, wife: Debora, son: Mosche, daughter: Miriam) |
Baruch (23 Feb 1817, 84y [1733], house no. 10, widow) Mariem (wife of Kalmon Baruch, 3 Feb 1815, 77y [1737], house no. 10) Baruch Kallmon {marriage, 1811: cattle dealer, house no. 11, son of Kallmon Baruch & Mariann Isaac, widow of Röß Eysig, born 1791 in Stadt Geis + Mamel Isaac, daughter of Isaac Jacob & Hinna Mayer, born in Stadt Geis} Baruch LUSTIG (23 Mar 1853, 75y [1778], married) Eißig Kalmann LUSTIG (11 Jan 1847, 79y7m [1767], widow) Rebekka LUSTIG (17 May 1845, 58 1/2y [1786], house no. 19) |
קלמן קלונימוס ב״ר ברוך, ג׳ אדר תקע״ז (Kalman Kalonymos son of Baruch, 3 Adar 5577 [19 Feb 1817]) מרים בת יצחק אשת קלמן, כ״ד שבט תקע״ה (Mariem daughter of Itzhak wife of Kalman, 24 Shvat 5575 [4 Feb 1815]) ברוך ב״ר קלמן, א׳ פורים תריג (Baruch son of Kalman, Purim 5613 [23 Mar 1853]) אייזק ב״ר קלינימוס, כ״ו טבט תר״ז (Eisig son of Kalonymos, 26 Tevet 5607 [14 Jan 1847]) רבקה בת שלמן אל׳ אייזק, י״ב אייר תר״ה (Rebekka daughter of Salomon widow of Eisig, 12 Iyar 5605 [19 May 1845]) |
Simon Schmuhl | Simon Schmuhl | Simon Schmuhl |
Simon Schmul = Simon MITTEL | Reiz (widow of Simon MITTEL) Joseph MITTEL (wife: Hanna) |
MITTEL (23 March 1829, 66y [1763], house no. 29 1/2) Klara MITTEL (wife of Simon, 30 Dec 1817, 47y [1770]) Reiz MITTEL (widow, 1845, 61y [1784], house no. 29 1/4) |
שמעון ב״ר שמואל סג״ל, א״ש ? תקפ״ט (Shimon son of Shmuel sg"l, ? 5589 [c.1829]) קלערלא בת אברהם סג״ל אשת שמעון, כ״ב טבט תקע״ח (Klerla daughter of Abraham sg"l wife of Shimon, 22 Tevet 5578 [31 Dec 1817]) |
Löb Moyses |
Low Moses = Low MUSLINER | Löb MUSLINER (wife: Terz, sons: Seligmann, Jokel, Schlome, daughters: Besle, Bela) |
Löb Moses MUSLINER (20 Nov 1853, 77y [1776], house no. 21, widower) |
יהודא ב״ר משה, כ״א מרחשון תריד (Jehuda son of Moshe, 21 Marcheshvan 5614 [22 Nov 1853]) אשת ליב מוסלינער, ? תר״ח (wife of Löb MUSLINER, 5608 [c.1848]) |
Mayer Abraham |
Mayer Abraham | Mayer Abraham | Abraham Mayer = Abraham MUTTER | Sara (widow of Abraham MUTTER, sons: Samuel, Feibel, daughters: Vogel, Perl) |
Abraham MUTTER (8 Dec 1824, 45y [1779], house no. 52 1/2) {marriage, 1811: feather dealer, son of Mayer Valk & Perlein, born 1774 in Bastheim + Ribecka Eysig, daughter of Eysig Joseph & Böla Israel, born 1778 in Unsleben} {marriage, 1814: merchant, house no. 19, son of Meyer Feibel & Perlein, born 1774 in Bastheim, widow of Ribeka Eysig + Sara Samuel, daughter of Samuel Meyer & Vogel, born 1785 in Sternberg of Sulzdorf} |
מאיר ב״ר אברהם הלוי, כ״ו ניסן תקנ״ט (Meyer son of Abraham haLevi, 26 Nisan 5559 [1 May 1799]) אברהם ב״ר מאיר הלוי, ח״י כסלוי תקפ״ה (Abraham son of Meyer haLevi, 18 Kislev 5585 [9 Dec 1824]) |
Falck |
Falck |
Falck |
Falck |
Falck Hayem Falck |
Hayem Falck |
Hayem Falck's widow |
Bela (Haium Löb's wife) = Bela ROSE | Falk ROSE (wife: Jendel, son: Heinemann, daughter: Mariam) Reichel (sister of Falk) |
Valk (16 Jan 1810, 53y [1757], wool dealer, house no. 11) Falk ROSA {marriage, 1830: son of Hayum Falk & Bäle, born 1800 + Jedde Hirsch, daughter of Hirsch and Marianne Isaak, born 1803 in Frankenwinheim} Regina (Rachel) ROSA (18 Sep 1857, 59y [1798], house no. 44, wool dealer's daughter, single) |
חיים ב״ר אליקים הלוי, יוד שבט תק״ע (Chaim son of Eliakim haLevi, 10 Shvat 5570 [15 Jan 1810]) Falk ROSE (24 Apr 1868, 69y [1799], אליקים ב״ר חיים הלוי, ג׳ אייר תרכ״ה, Unsleben cemetery) |
Abraham |
Abraham |
Abraham |
Abraham |
Abraham's widow |
Abraham = Simon ROSENBAUM Liebmann = Liebmann ROSENBAUM |
Simson ROSENBAUM (wife: Rifke, sons: Moses, Jakob, Abraham in America, daughters: Jendel, Hanna) Kaufmann ROSENBAUM (wife: Rechle, sons: Abraham, Kusellöb, Liebmann, Isaak, daughters: Golde, Frumet, Rös) Veiele (widow of Löb ROSENBAUM) Moses ROSENBAUM (immigrant to America) Hanna ROSENBAUM (immigrant to America) |
ROSENBAUM (2 Jul 1828, 80y [1748], house no. 70, widow) Simson ROSENBAUM (5 Jan 1846, 72y 3w [1774], house no. 11?) Kaufmann ROSENBAUM (30 Oct 1857, 77 1/4y [1780]) Löw ROSENBAUM (8 Jul 1833, 39y [1794], house no. 71) {marriage, 1828: master cloth maker, house no. 70, son of Abraham Simson and Esther Liebmann, born 1787 in Unsleben + Veichel KATZENBERGER, daughter of Koppel and Maria, born in Poppenlauer} |
אברהם ב״ר משה שמחה הלוי, תקס״ז (Abraham son of Moshe Simcha haLevi, 5567 [c. 1807]) אסתר אשת אברהם סג״ל, כ״א תמוז תרפ״ח (Esther wife of Abraham sg"l, 21 Tamuz 5588 [9 Jul 1828]) שמחה ב״ר אברהם סג״ל, י״ג סיון תר״ו (Simcha son of Abraham sg"l, 13 Sivan 5606 [7 Jan 1846]) רבקה אשת שמחה ראזענבוים, ט׳ אב תרט״ז (Rivka wife of Simcha ROSENBAUM, 9 Av 5616 [10 Aug 1856]) Abraham ROSENBAUM (15 Jun 1885, 76y [1809], אברהם ב״ר יקותיאל, ג׳ תמוז תרמ״ה, Unsleben cemetery) ליב ב״ר אברהם סג״ל, כ״ב תמוז תקצ״ג (Leib son of Abraham sg"l, 22 Tamuz 5593 [9 Jul 1833]) |
Mayer Aberlein |
Mayer Aberlein | Mayer Aberlein | Mayer Aberlein | Mayer Aberlein = Mayer ROSENBERG Low Mayer = Low ROSENBERG |
Mayer ROSENBERG (wife: Hinele) Hienle (widow of Löb ROSENBERG) |
ROSENBERG (16 Dec 1840, 93 3/4y [1747], house no. 14, cattle dealer) Löw ROSENBERG (5 Jun 1832, 50y [1782], house no. 47) |
מאיר ב״ר אבר, כ״ג כסלו תר״א (Mayer son of Aber, 23 Kislev 5601 [18 Dec 1840]) ליב ב״ר מאיר, א״ח שבועות תקצ״ב (Leib son of Meyer, Shavuot I 5592 [4 Jun 1832]) |
Kallmann Jacob |
Kallmannn Jacob |
Kalmon Jacob, Vorgänger |
Calmon Jacob = Calmon SALP | Breinle SALB (immigrant to America with child) |
Kalman SALB (3 May 1818, 59y [1759], house no. 56 1/4) |
קלמן ב״ר יעקב הלוי, כ״ז ניסן תקע״ח (Kalman son of Jakob haLevi, 27 Nisan 5588 [3 May 1818]) |
Schmuhl Simson |
Schmuhl Simson |
Samuel Simson = Samuel THORMANN | Mayer THORMANN (immigrant to America) Simmle THORMANN (immigrant to America) Ramle THORMANN (immigrant to America) |
THORMANN (3 Apr 1832, 65y [1767], house no. 27) Bohnle THORMANN (19 May 1833, 62y [1771], widow of peddler Samuel THORMANN, house no. 27) |
שמואל ב״ר שמשון הלוי, ה׳ ניסן תקצ״ב (Shmuel son of Shimshon haLevi, 5 Nisan 5592 [5 Apr 1832]) בונלא בת מאיר אשת שמואל, ב׳ סיון תקצ״ג (Bonla daughter of Maier wife of Shmuel, 2 Sivan 5593 [20 May 1833]) |
Simson Moyses | Simson Moyses | Simson Moyses |
Moses = Moses TUCH | Moses TUCH (sons: Jakob, Simschel, Hayum, daughters: Fradel, Jochefet, Beierle) Estherle (widow of Simson TUCH, son: Seligmann Nathan in America) |
TUCH (2 Feb 1829, 60y [1769], house no. 54) Esther TUCH (15 Mar 1851, 82y [1769], house no. 54 1/2, widow) |
שמחה ב״ר משה סג״ל, ער״ח אב תרפ״ט (Simcha son of Moshe sg"l, Rosh Chodesh Adar I 5589 [4 Feb 1829]) אסתר א׳ שמחה סג״ל, דע״פ תרי״א (Esther widow of Simcha sg"l, Erev Purim 5611 [15 Mar 1851]) |
Moyses Itzig |
Moyses Itzig | Moyses Itzig | Moyses Itzig | Moses Itzig = Moses WOLLEMANN | Moses WOLLEMANN (1 Mar 1835, 89y [1746], house no. 21, widow) |
משה ב״ר יצחק, ר״ח אדר תקצ״ה (Moshe son of Itzhak, Rosh Chodesh Adar 5595 [2 Mar 1835]) |
The following appear in the Alsbacher document but have not
yet been
connected to the earlier surname adoption list: Jittle (widow of Kallmann SOMMERS, son of Basle, who died 2 Apr 1837 in Unsleben, house no. 22) Chasen Seligmann LUBLINER (single), Sara LUBLINER (Neice, immigrant to America) Teacher - Lazarus KOHN, Rifkele KOHN (sister) Israel FREY (Sattler from Enhenhausen), wife Sara, sons Berle and David, daughter Fradel Baruch SOMMER ברוך ב״ר קלנימוס, ח׳ ניסן ת״ר (Baruch son of Kalonymos, 8 Nisan 5600 [11 Apr 1840]) References [1] Allemania Judaica: Unsleben community (translation), Unsleben cemetery (translation), Kleinbardorf cemetery (translation) |