STAROE SELO (Старое Село)

a village on the Ptych river about 12 miles west of Minsk in Minsk raion, Minsk voblast, Belarus

Jewish History

By 1873, Staroe Selo had a public primary school, but the closest railway and telegraph stations were in Ratomka (6 miles northeast) and the closest doctor, post office and synagogue were in Zaslav (8 miles north). By 1890, there were five inns, two mills, a sawmill, and a brewery.

Rakachevo field (Ракачево Поле), located about 2 kilometers southeast of Staroe Selo along the Ptych river, included an apple orchard and apiary in the early 1900s.
Time Period Region
Before 1793 Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
1793 - 1918 Russian Empire
1918 - 1919 Belarusian People's Republic
1919 - 1991 Soviet Union
1991 - Present Republic of Belarus

Year Jewish Population Total  Population
1905 226
1917 20 256

Geographical Dictionary of the Kingdom of Poland (Słownik Geograficzny Królestwa Polskiego)
Warszawa, 1880-1902
[Vol. XI, page 242, entry 4 of Stare Sioło]
Stare Sioło, białorus. Staroje Siało, wieś z zarządem gminnym i dobra nad Ptyczą, która rozlewa się tu w staw, około 1 werst długi a 1/6 werst szeroki, pow. miński, w 5 okręge pol. i parafia katolik Raków, przy gościnny handlowym z Mińska do Rakowa (o 21 verst), o 24 werst od Mińska.

Posiada cerkiew paroch. pod wezwaniem N. M. P., w 1783 r. wzniesioną a około 1866 rok przebudowaną, uposażoną z dawnych zapisów ks. Radziwiłłów i Wołodkowiczów 2 1/4 włók ziemi; przeszło 1600 parafian. Filia trzaskowska, uposażona 1 1/2 włók ziemi i 5 kaplic na cmentarzach grzebalnych, w Ratomce

W 1834 dobra liczyły 537 dusz rewizja i miały 415 włók 14 1/2 mr.

od 1837 do 1852 rok własność Ignacego Wołodkowicza, dziś syna jego Wincentego, sędziego honorowego powiat lepelskiego.

Stare Sioło, Belarus. Staroje Siało, a village with commune management and an estate on the Ptych [river], which spreads here into a pond, about 1 verst long and 1/6 verst wide, in Minsk district, in the 5th Polish precinct and Catholic parish of Raków, along the trade route from Minsk to Raków (about 21 verst), about 24 verst from Minsk.

Has a parochial church. dedicated N. M. P., in 1783 erected and around 1866 rebuilt, endowed with the old records of priest. Radziwiłł and Wołodkowicz 2 1/4 earth fibers; over 1600 parishioners. Saskowska branch, equipped with 1 1/2 tens of soil and 5 chapels in burial cemeteries, in Ratomka

In 1834, the estate had 537 people in the revision list and had 415 włók 14 1/2 morgens.

from 1837 to 1852, the property of Ignacy Wołodkowicz, today the son of his Wincenty, honorary judge, Lepelski poviat.

[1 verst is approx. 1 km; 1 włók is approx. 50 acres]

Research Notes

1. In the above Russian military map from 1916, the number of houses in each locality is provided below the name.
2. A primary source for the history is "Staroye Syelo before 1917" by Oleg Perzashkevich and Alexander Remenchik